/* Options: Date: 2024-09-29 01:11:38 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://testapi.bokamera.se //Package: //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: SuperAdminCompanyInvoiceQuery.* //ExcludeTypes: //InitializeCollections: True //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.*,com.google.gson.annotations.*,com.google.gson.reflect.* */ import java.math.* import java.util.* import net.servicestack.client.* import com.google.gson.annotations.* import com.google.gson.reflect.* @Route(Path="/superadmin/billing/company/invoices", Verbs="GET") @ValidateRequest(Validator="IsAuthenticated") open class SuperAdminCompanyInvoiceQuery : QueryDb(), IReturn>, ICompany { /** * The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.") var CompanyId:UUID? = null /** * Id of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Id of the invoice") var Id:Int? = null /** * Id of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Id of the invoice") var StatusId:Int? = null /** * If you want to include the invoice lines */ @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the invoice lines", ParameterType="query") var IncludeInvoiceLines:Boolean? = null /** * If you want to include the currency information */ @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the currency information", ParameterType="query") var IncludeCurrencyInformation:Boolean? = null /** * If you want to include the invoice status information */ @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the invoice status information", ParameterType="query") var IncludeInvoiceStatusInformation:Boolean? = null companion object { private val responseType = object : TypeToken>(){}.type } override fun getResponseType(): Any? = SuperAdminCompanyInvoiceQuery.responseType } @DataContract open class QueryResponse { @DataMember(Order=1) var Offset:Int? = null @DataMember(Order=2) var Total:Int? = null @DataMember(Order=3) var Results:ArrayList = ArrayList() @DataMember(Order=4) var Meta:HashMap = HashMap() @DataMember(Order=5) var ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus? = null } open class QueryDb : QueryBase() { } open interface ICompany { var CompanyId:UUID? } open class BillingMethod : BaseModel() { var BillingMethodCountriesRelation:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class BillingInformation : BaseModel() { var BillingMethod:BillingMethod? = null @Required() var BillingMethodId:Int? = null @Required() var Name:String? = null var Attention:String? = null var Street1:String? = null var Street2:String? = null var ZipCode:String? = null var City:String? = null var Email:String? = null var CreditCard:String? = null var CreditCardHolder:String? = null var CreditCardNumber:String? = null var ValidToYear:Short? = null var ValidToMonth:Short? = null var CSV:String? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null @Required() var CountryId:String? = null @Required() var PaymentTermsDays:Int? = null var VATRegistrationNumber:String? = null var GLN:String? = null var ReferenceLine1:String? = null var ReferenceLine2:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class CompanyInvoice : BaseModel() { @References(Currency.class) var CurrencyId:String? = null var CurrencyInfo:Currency? = null var InvoiceStatus:InvoiceStatus? = null @Ignore() var InvoiceLines:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var BillingInformation:BillingInformation? = null @Ignore() var ExternalReferences:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var Company:Company? = null @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var Id:Int? = null @Required() var StatusId:Int? = null @Required() var InvoiceDate:Date? = null var DueDate:Date? = null @Required() var PeriodFrom:Date? = null @Required() var PeriodTo:Date? = null @Required() var TotalAmount:Double? = null @Required() var Rounding:Double? = null @Required() var VAT:BigDecimal? = null @Required() var VATRegistrationNo:String? = null @Required() var RegistrationNumber:String? = null @Required() var CompanyName:String? = null var ContactPerson:String? = null var Street1:String? = null var Street2:String? = null var City:String? = null var Zip:String? = null var Country:String? = null var PaymentMethod:String? = null var ViewedDate:Date? = null var ViewedBy:String? = null var Message:String? = null var Updated:Date? = null var Created:Date? = null var PromikBookInvoiceId:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class CompanyInvoiceQueryResponse { /** * The company id */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id") var CompanyId:UUID? = null /** * The invoice id */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice id") var Id:Int? = null /** * Status of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Status of the invoice") var StatusId:Int? = null /** * Date of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Date of the invoice") var InvoiceDate:Date? = null /** * Due date of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Due date of the invoice") var DueDate:Date? = null /** * What start date of the invoice period */ @ApiMember(Description="What start date of the invoice period") var PeriodFrom:Date? = null /** * What end date of the invoice period */ @ApiMember(Description="What end date of the invoice period") var PeriodTo:Date? = null /** * The total amount of the invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="The total amount of the invoice") var TotalAmount:Double? = null /** * The rounding of the total amount */ @ApiMember(Description="The rounding of the total amount") var Rounding:Double? = null /** * The VAT */ @ApiMember(Description="The VAT") var VAT:BigDecimal? = null /** * The VAT registration number */ @ApiMember(Description="The VAT registration number") var VATRegistrationNo:String? = null /** * The company registration number */ @ApiMember(Description="The company registration number") var RegistrationNumber:String? = null /** * The company name */ @ApiMember(Description="The company name") var CompanyName:String? = null /** * The company owner, used for grouping invoices per CompanyOwner */ @ApiMember(Description="The company owner, used for grouping invoices per CompanyOwner") var CompanyOwner:CompanyOwnerResponse? = null /** * The company type */ @ApiMember(Description="The company type") var CompanyType:CompanyTypeResponse? = null /** * The company contact person */ @ApiMember(Description="The company contact person") var ContactPerson:String? = null /** * The company street */ @ApiMember(Description="The company street") var Street1:String? = null /** * The company street */ @ApiMember(Description="The company street") var Street2:String? = null /** * The company city */ @ApiMember(Description="The company city") var City:String? = null /** * The company zip */ @ApiMember(Description="The company zip") var Zip:String? = null /** * The company country */ @ApiMember(Description="The company country") var CountryId:String? = null /** * The invoice currency */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice currency") var CurrencyId:String? = null /** * The invoice created date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice created date") var Created:Date? = null /** * The invoice updated date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice updated date") var Updated:Date? = null /** * The reference to promikbook invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="The reference to promikbook invoice") var PromikBookInvoiceId:Int? = null /** * Any invoice message */ @ApiMember(Description="Any invoice message") var Message:String? = null /** * The currency information */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency information") var CurrencyInfo:CurrencyInfoResponse? = null /** * The currency information */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency information") var InvoiceStatus:InvoiceStatusResponse? = null /** * The currency information */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency information") var InvoiceLines:ArrayList = ArrayList() /** * Billing information */ @ApiMember(Description="Billing information") var BillingInformation:BillingInformationResponse? = null var ExternalReferences:ArrayList = ArrayList() } open class CompanyCategory : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Header:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ImageUrl:Uri? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var SortOrder:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class CompanyType : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class Company : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var Status:CompanyStatus? = null @Ignore() var Active:Boolean? = null @Ignore() var CustomerCustomFieldsConfig:IList? = null @Ignore() var BookingAgreements:String? = null @Ignore() var BookingSettings:BookingSettings? = null @Ignore() var CompanyType:CompanyType? = null @Ignore() var CodeLockSettings:CodeLockSetting? = null @Ignore() var PaymentSettings:PaymentSetting? = null @Ignore() var Settings:CompanySetting? = null @Ignore() var WidgetSettings:HomepageWidgetSetting? = null @Ignore() var HomepageSettings:HomepageSetting? = null @Ignore() var RatingScore:AverageRatingScore? = null @Ignore() var Ratings:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var Distance:Double? = null @Ignore() var Licenses:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var ActiveLicenses:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var CurrentLicense:License? = null @Ignore() var IsFreeAccount:Boolean? = null @Ignore() var DefaultLanguage:CultureInfo? = null var Category:CompanyCategory? = null @Ignore() var Lat:Double? = null @Ignore() var Lon:Double? = null @Ignore() var IsFavorite:Boolean? = null @Ignore() var ExternalReferences:IList? = null @Required() var OrganisationNumber:String? = null @Required() var StatusId:Int? = null @Required() var CategoryId:Int? = null @Required() var SitePath:String? = null @Required() var Name:String? = null var Street1:String? = null var Street2:String? = null var ZipCode:String? = null var City:String? = null var OpeningHours:String? = null var FaxNumber:String? = null @Required() var Email:String? = null var Phone:String? = null var Details:String? = null var LogoType:String? = null @Required() var ApprovedByAdmin:Boolean? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null var IpAddress:String? = null var Homepage:String? = null var DomainName:String? = null @Required() var CountryId:String? = null @Required() var CompanyOwnerId:Int? = null var TypeId:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class Country : BaseModel() { @References(Currency.class) var CurrencyId:String? = null var CurrencyInfo:Currency? = null @Required() var Name:String? = null var Culture:String? = null var TimeZone:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:String? = null } open class Currency : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var CurrencySign:String? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:String? = null } open class CustomFieldConfig : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var Values:ArrayList = ArrayList() var CustomField:CustomField? = null @Ignore() var RegEx:RegEx? = null @Ignore() var Services:ArrayList = ArrayList() var CustomFieldServiceRelation:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var Id:Int? = null var GroupId:Int? = null @Required() var FieldId:Int? = null @Required() var IconId:Int? = null var RegExId:Int? = null @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Datatype:String? = null @Required() var MaxLength:Int? = null @Required() var IsPublic:Boolean? = null @Required() var IsHidden:Boolean? = null @Required() var IsMandatory:Boolean? = null var DefaultValue:String? = null var RegExErrorMessage:String? = null var MandatoryErrorMessage:String? = null var Width:Int? = null @Required() var MultipleLineText:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class License : BaseModel() { var Type:LicenseType? = null @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var Id:Int? = null @Required() var TypeId:Int? = null @Required() var ValidFrom:Date? = null @Required() var ValidTo:Date? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var MetaData:String? = null } open class LicenseType : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var LicenseItems:IList? = null @Ignore() var Prices:IList? = null @Ignore() var PeriodOfNoticeDays:Int? = null @Ignore() var NextLicenseOption:LicenseType? = null @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var ExtraLicenseOption:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Active:Boolean? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class Rating : BaseModel() { var ReviewId:UUID? = null var Review:Review? = null @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null @Required() var BookingId:Int? = null @Required() var RatingScore:Int? = null @Required() var Status:Int? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class Review : BaseModel() { var ReviewId:UUID? = null @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null @Required() var Title:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Author:String? = null @Required() var Status:Int? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var ReviewAnswer:String? = null } open class ExternalReference : BaseModel() { @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null @Required() var OwnerId:UUID? = null @Required() var ReferenceType:String? = null var ExternalData:String? = null var CreatedBy:String? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class BookingStatusOptions { var Id:Int? = null var Name:String? = null var Description:String? = null } open class LanguageResponse { var Id:String? = null var Name:String? = null } @DataContract open class QueryBase { /** * Skip over a given number of elements in a sequence and then return the remainder. Use this when you need paging.

?skip=10&orderBy=Id */ @DataMember(Order=1) var Skip:Int? = null /** * Return a given number of elements in a sequence and then skip over the remainder. Use this when you need paging.

?take=20 */ @DataMember(Order=2) var Take:Int? = null /** * Comma separated list of fields to order by. Prefix the field name with a minus if you wan't to invert the sort for that field.

?orderBy=Id,-Age,FirstName */ @DataMember(Order=3) var OrderBy:String? = null /** * Comma separated list of fields to order by in descending order. Prefix the field name with a minus if you wan't to invert the sort for that field.

?orderByDesc=Id,-Age,FirstName */ @DataMember(Order=4) var OrderByDesc:String? = null /** * Include any of the aggregates AVG, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MIN, SUM in your result set. The results will be returned in the meta field.

?include=COUNT(*) as Total

or multiple fields with
?include=Count(*) Total, Min(Age), AVG(Age) AverageAge

or unique with
?include=COUNT(DISTINCT LivingStatus) as UniqueStatus */ @DataMember(Order=5) var Include:String? = null @DataMember(Order=6) var Fields:String? = null @DataMember(Order=7) var Meta:HashMap = HashMap() } open class BaseModel { } open class BillingMethodCountriesRelation : BaseModel() { @Required() var BillingMethodId:Int? = null @Required() var CountryId:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class InvoiceStatus : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class CompanyInvoiceLine : BaseModel() { @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null @Required() var InvoiceId:Int? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null @Required() var PeriodFrom:Date? = null @Required() var PeriodTo:Date? = null var ArticleNumber:Int? = null @Required() var ArticleName:String? = null @Required() var ArticleDescription:String? = null @Required() var Quantity:Int? = null @Required() var UnitPrice:Double? = null @Required() var SubTotal:Double? = null @Required() var Rebate:Int? = null var Updated:Date? = null var Created:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class CompanyOwnerResponse { /** * Company owner id */ @ApiMember(Description="Company owner id") var Id:Int? = null /** * Company owner name */ @ApiMember(Description="Company owner name") var Name:String? = null } open class CompanyTypeResponse { /** * Company type id */ @ApiMember(Description="Company type id") var Id:Int? = null /** * Company type name */ @ApiMember(Description="Company type name") var Name:String? = null } open class CurrencyInfoResponse { /** * The currency id */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency id") var Id:String? = null /** * The currency id */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency id") var Name:String? = null /** * The currency id */ @ApiMember(Description="The currency id") var CurrencySign:String? = null } open class InvoiceStatusResponse { /** * The status id */ @ApiMember(Description="The status id") var Id:Int? = null /** * The status name */ @ApiMember(Description="The status name") var Name:String? = null /** * The status description */ @ApiMember(Description="The status description") var Description:String? = null } open class InvoiceLineResponse { /** * The invoice id */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice id") var InvoiceId:Int? = null /** * The invoice line id */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line id") var Id:Int? = null /** * The invoice line period from date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line period from date") var PeriodFrom:Date? = null /** * The invoice line period to date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line period to date") var PeriodTo:Date? = null /** * The invoice line article number */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line article number") var ArticleNumber:Int? = null /** * The invoice line article name */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line article name") var ArticleName:String? = null /** * The invoice line article description */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line article description") var ArticleDescription:String? = null /** * The invoice line quantity */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line quantity") var Quantity:Int? = null /** * The invoice line unit price */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line unit price") var UnitPrice:Double? = null /** * The invoice line sub total */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line sub total") var SubTotal:Double? = null /** * The invoice line rebate in percent */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line rebate in percent") var Rebate:Int? = null /** * The invoice line updated date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line updated date") var Updated:Date? = null /** * The invoice line created date */ @ApiMember(Description="The invoice line created date") var Created:Date? = null } enum class CompanyStatus(val value:Int) { Registered(1), AwaitingApproval(2), Approved(3), Inactive(4), ClosedDown(5), NotApproved(6), } open class BookingSettings : BaseModel() { @References(FreeSpotTexts.class) var FreeSpotTextsId:Int? = null @Ignore() var SendEmailConfirmation:Boolean? = null @Ignore() var ScheduleViewOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var WeekNumberSettingOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var BookingTemplateOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var CalendarTypeOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var FreeSpotTextOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var BookingStatusOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() var FreeSpotTextsInfo:FreeSpotTexts? = null @Ignore() var FreeSpotsTextSingular:String? = null @Ignore() var FreeSpotsTextPlural:String? = null @Required() var BookingStatusId:Int? = null @Required() var ScheduleViewId:Int? = null @Required() var BookingTemplateId:Int? = null @Required() var CalendarTypeId:Int? = null @Required() var AllowBookingOnUnbookedTimes:Boolean? = null @Required() var SendEmailReminder:Boolean? = null @Required() var SendSmsReminder:Boolean? = null @Required() var SendSmsConfirmation:Boolean? = null @Required() var EmailReminderTime:Int? = null @Required() var SmsReminderTime:Int? = null @Required() var MaxActiveBookings:Int? = null @Required() var SendNotifications:Boolean? = null var SendNotificationsEmail:String? = null @Required() var EnableMobileApp:Boolean? = null var ScheduleStartTime:TimeSpan? = null var ScheduleEndTime:TimeSpan? = null var ReceiptTemplate:String? = null @Required() var ScheduleTimeSlotMinutes:Int? = null @Required() var ShowFreeTimesLeft:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableICalGroupBookings:Boolean? = null var AgreementTemplate:String? = null @Required() var ScheduleShowTimeExeptions:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableBookingsOnSameTime:Boolean? = null @Required() var ShowWeekNumberSettingId:Int? = null @Required() var EnableShowBookedTimes:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableSendFollowUpMessage:Boolean? = null @Required() var FollowUpMessageTime:Int? = null var MessageText:String? = null @Required() var ScheduleGroupResources:Boolean? = null @Required() var BookSpotUserResponseMinutes:Int? = null @Required() var IsBookSpotDirectly:Boolean? = null @Required() var BookSpotDirectlyTimeLeftMinutes:Int? = null @Required() var SendEmailNotificationQueue:Boolean? = null @Required() var SendSMSNotificationQueue:Boolean? = null @Required() var SchedulerDisableHorizontalScrolling:Boolean? = null @Required() var BookOnlyOnExistingCustomers:Boolean? = null @Required() var AutoGenerateUniquePinCode:Boolean? = null @Required() var WeightedPrices:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var AutoCreateUserProfile:Boolean? = null var ShowMultipleResourcesAsOne:Boolean? = null var ShowMultiDayAsTime:Boolean? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class CodeLockSetting : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var CodeLockSystemOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null @Required() var CodeLockSystemsId:Int? = null @Required() var ValidBeforeMinutes:Int? = null @Required() var ValidAfterMinutes:Int? = null @Required() var DeleteOldBySchedule:Boolean? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var SendEmailNotification:Boolean? = null @Required() var SendSMSNotification:Boolean? = null @Required() var EmailNotificationTime:Short? = null @Required() var SMSNotificationTime:Short? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class PaymentSetting : BaseModel() { var AdminPaymentOption:AdminPaymentOptions? = null @Ignore() var AdminPaymentOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var PaymentProviderOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var Enabled:Boolean? = null @Required() var InvoiceFee:Int? = null @Required() var AllowCreditCardPayment:Boolean? = null @Required() var AllowInvoicePayment:Boolean? = null @Required() var AllowBankPayment:Boolean? = null @Required() var GuaranteeOffered:Boolean? = null @Required() var RefundOnCancelBooking:Boolean? = null var DefaultPaymentOptionId:Int? = null @Required() var PaymentProviderId:Int? = null @Required() var SendPaymentRequestDirectly:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class CompanySetting : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var Languages:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var InactiveMessage:String? = null @Required() var Searchable:Boolean? = null var GATrackingId:String? = null var FacebookPixelId:String? = null @Required() var MultiLanguage:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableAPITranslation:Boolean? = null @Required() var DefaultLanguage:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var GTMTrackingId:String? = null @Required() var ShowOnMarketPlace:Boolean? = null var GoogleAdsConversionId:String? = null var LinkedinTagId:String? = null var GoogleAdsConversionLabel:String? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class HomepageWidgetSetting : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var WidgetServiceLayoutOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var WidgetTimeLayoutOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var WidgetBookingLayoutOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var WidgetBookingMethodOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Required() var ServiceLayoutId:Int? = null @Required() var TimeLayoutId:Int? = null @Required() var BookingLayoutId:Int? = null @Required() var PrimaryColor:String? = null @Required() var ShowServiceImage:Boolean? = null @Required() var ShowNextAvailableTime:Boolean? = null @Required() var ShowEndTime:Boolean? = null var BookedTimeSlotText:String? = null @Required() var DarkTheme:Boolean? = null @Required() var ShowRebateCodeField:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var EnableCreateAccount:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableLogin:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableDirectBooking:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableFacebookLogin:Boolean? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class HomepageSetting : BaseModel(), ICompany { @Ignore() var HomepageTemplateOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var HomepageHeroSectionStyleOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() @Ignore() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var WelcomePageHeading:String? = null var WelcomePageBody:String? = null var AboutUsPageHeading:String? = null var AboutUsPageBody:String? = null @Required() var HomePageTemplateId:Int? = null var ImageUrl:String? = null @Required() var Updated:Date? = null @Required() var Created:Date? = null var HomepageHeading:String? = null @Required() var HeroSectionStyleId:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var ShowRating:Boolean? = null @Required() var EnableHomepage:Boolean? = null @Required() var Id:UUID? = null } open class AverageRatingScore { var AverageScore:Double? = null var Score1Count:Int? = null var Score2Count:Int? = null var Score3Count:Int? = null var Score4Count:Int? = null var Score5Count:Int? = null var Count:Int? = null } open class CustomFieldValue : BaseModel() { @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var Id:Int? = null @Required() var Value:String? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var SortOrder:Short? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class CustomField : BaseModel() { @Required() var Table:String? = null @Required() var Column:String? = null @Required() var DataType:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class RegEx : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var RegExCode:String? = null var ErrorMessage:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class CustomFieldServiceRelation : BaseModel() { @Required() var CompanyId:UUID? = null var Id:Int? = null @Required() var CustomFieldConfigId:Int? = null @Required() var ServiceId:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class LicensePrice : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var Country:Country? = null @Ignore() var MonthlyPayment:Boolean? = null @Required() var LicenseTypeId:Int? = null @Required() var CountryId:String? = null @Required() var Price:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class LicenseTypeItem : BaseModel() { @Ignore() var Name:String? = null @Ignore() var LicenseType:LicenseType? = null @Required() var LicenseTypesId:Int? = null @Required() var LicenseItemsId:Int? = null @Required() var NumberOfItems:Int? = null var Id:Int? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null } open class ScheduleView : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class WeekNumberSetting : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class BookingTemplate : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var UsedByApplication:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class CalendarType : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class FreeSpotTexts : BaseModel() { @Required() var TextSingular:String? = null @Required() var TextPlural:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class CodeLockSystem : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Supplier:String? = null var LogoType:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class AdminPaymentOptions : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class PaymentProviders : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Category:String? = null var Url:String? = null @Required() var Active:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class WidgetServiceLayouts : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Code:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class WidgetTimeLayouts : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Code:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class WidgetBookingLayouts : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Code:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class WidgetBookingMethods : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null @Required() var Code:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } open class HomepageTemplate : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null @Required() var Description:String? = null var ImageUrl:Uri? = null @Required() var Premium:Boolean? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null var Id:Int? = null } open class HeroSectionStyle : BaseModel() { @Required() var Name:String? = null var Description:String? = null var ModifiedDate:Date? = null @Required() var Id:Int? = null } enum class Currency(val value:Int) { Sek(1), Eur(2), } open class BillingInformationResponse { /** * The company id. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id.") var CompanyId:UUID? = null /** * The prefered billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The prefered billing method.", IsRequired=true) var BillingMethodId:Int? = null /** * The name that should be printed on the billing information, normally this would be your company name. */ @ApiMember(Description="The name that should be printed on the billing information, normally this would be your company name.") var Name:String? = null /** * If you want to add the attention to the billing address. */ @ApiMember(Description="If you want to add the attention to the billing address.") var Attention:String? = null /** * The street for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The street for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method.") var Street1:String? = null /** * The street for the billing adress. */ @ApiMember(Description="The street for the billing adress.") var Street2:String? = null /** * The zip code (postal code) for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The zip code (postal code) for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method.") var ZipCode:String? = null /** * The city for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The city for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method.") var City:String? = null /** * The country for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The country for the billing adress. This is required when having postal invoice as billing method.") var CountryId:String? = null /** * The billing email. This is required when having email invoice as billing method. */ @ApiMember(Description="The billing email. This is required when having email invoice as billing method.") var Email:String? = null /** * The company global location number. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company global location number.") var GLN:String? = null /** * You're internal rereference. */ @ApiMember(Description="You're internal rereference.") var ReferenceLine1:String? = null /** * You're internal rereference. */ @ApiMember(Description="You're internal rereference.") var ReferenceLine2:String? = null /** * The billing payment terms in days. This is default 15 days. */ @ApiMember(Description="The billing payment terms in days. This is default 15 days.") var PaymentTermsDays:Int? = null /** * The company vat registration number. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company vat registration number.") var VatRegistrationNumber:String? = null /** * The billing method options to choose from */ @ApiMember(Description="The billing method options to choose from") var BillingMethodOptions:ArrayList = ArrayList() }