/* Options: Date: 2024-09-16 21:07:12 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://testapi.bokamera.se //Package: //GlobalNamespace: dtos //AddPropertyAccessors: True //SettersReturnThis: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddImplicitVersion: IncludeTypes: StatisticQuery.* //ExcludeTypes: //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import net.servicestack.client.*; public class dtos { @Route(Path="/statistics", Verbs="GET") @ApiResponse(Description="You were unauthorized to call this service", StatusCode=401) // @ApiResponse(Description="You have too low privilegies to call this service", StatusCode=403) @ValidateRequest(Validator="IsAuthenticated") public static class StatisticQuery implements IReturn, ICompany { /** * Enter the company id, if blank company id and you are an admin, your company id will be used. */ @ApiMember(Description="Enter the company id, if blank company id and you are an admin, your company id will be used.", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="query") public UUID CompanyId = null; /** * Start of interval to get bookings and customers */ @ApiMember(Description="Start of interval to get bookings and customers", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="query") @Required() public Date From = null; /** * End of interval to get bookings and customers */ @ApiMember(Description="End of interval to get bookings and customers", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="query") public Date To = null; /** * Set true if you want to include booked events by day */ @ApiMember(Description="Set true if you want to include booked events by day", ParameterType="query") public Boolean IncludeOccuringBookingsByDay = null; /** * Set true if you want to include canceled booked events by day */ @ApiMember(Description="Set true if you want to include canceled booked events by day", ParameterType="query") public Boolean IncludeBookingsCanceledByDay = null; /** * Set true if you want to include booking created by day */ @ApiMember(Description="Set true if you want to include booking created by day", ParameterType="query") public Boolean IncludeCreatedBookingsByDay = null; /** * Set true if you want to include customers created by day */ @ApiMember(Description="Set true if you want to include customers created by day", ParameterType="query") public Boolean IncludeCreatedCustomersByDay = null; public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public StatisticQuery setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Date getFrom() { return From; } public StatisticQuery setFrom(Date value) { this.From = value; return this; } public Date getTo() { return To; } public StatisticQuery setTo(Date value) { this.To = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeOccuringBookingsByDay() { return IncludeOccuringBookingsByDay; } public StatisticQuery setIncludeOccuringBookingsByDay(Boolean value) { this.IncludeOccuringBookingsByDay = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeBookingsCanceledByDay() { return IncludeBookingsCanceledByDay; } public StatisticQuery setIncludeBookingsCanceledByDay(Boolean value) { this.IncludeBookingsCanceledByDay = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeCreatedBookingsByDay() { return IncludeCreatedBookingsByDay; } public StatisticQuery setIncludeCreatedBookingsByDay(Boolean value) { this.IncludeCreatedBookingsByDay = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeCreatedCustomersByDay() { return IncludeCreatedCustomersByDay; } public StatisticQuery setIncludeCreatedCustomersByDay(Boolean value) { this.IncludeCreatedCustomersByDay = value; return this; } private static Object responseType = StatisticQueryResponse.class; public Object getResponseType() { return responseType; } } public static class StatisticQueryResponse { public Integer NumberOfOccuringBookings = null; public Integer NumberOfCanceledBookings = null; public Integer NumberOfCreatedBookings = null; public Integer NumberOfCreatedCustomers = null; public ArrayList OccuringBookingsByDay = null; public ArrayList CanceledBookingsByDay = null; public ArrayList CreatedBookingsByDay = null; public ArrayList CreatedCustomersByDay = null; public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus = null; public Integer getNumberOfOccuringBookings() { return NumberOfOccuringBookings; } public StatisticQueryResponse setNumberOfOccuringBookings(Integer value) { this.NumberOfOccuringBookings = value; return this; } public Integer getNumberOfCanceledBookings() { return NumberOfCanceledBookings; } public StatisticQueryResponse setNumberOfCanceledBookings(Integer value) { this.NumberOfCanceledBookings = value; return this; } public Integer getNumberOfCreatedBookings() { return NumberOfCreatedBookings; } public StatisticQueryResponse setNumberOfCreatedBookings(Integer value) { this.NumberOfCreatedBookings = value; return this; } public Integer getNumberOfCreatedCustomers() { return NumberOfCreatedCustomers; } public StatisticQueryResponse setNumberOfCreatedCustomers(Integer value) { this.NumberOfCreatedCustomers = value; return this; } public ArrayList getOccuringBookingsByDay() { return OccuringBookingsByDay; } public StatisticQueryResponse setOccuringBookingsByDay(ArrayList value) { this.OccuringBookingsByDay = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCanceledBookingsByDay() { return CanceledBookingsByDay; } public StatisticQueryResponse setCanceledBookingsByDay(ArrayList value) { this.CanceledBookingsByDay = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCreatedBookingsByDay() { return CreatedBookingsByDay; } public StatisticQueryResponse setCreatedBookingsByDay(ArrayList value) { this.CreatedBookingsByDay = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCreatedCustomersByDay() { return CreatedCustomersByDay; } public StatisticQueryResponse setCreatedCustomersByDay(ArrayList value) { this.CreatedCustomersByDay = value; return this; } public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return ResponseStatus; } public StatisticQueryResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.ResponseStatus = value; return this; } } public static interface ICompany { public UUID CompanyId = null; } public static class BookedByDay { public Date Date = null; public Integer Value = null; public Date getDate() { return Date; } public BookedByDay setDate(Date value) { this.Date = value; return this; } public Integer getValue() { return Value; } public BookedByDay setValue(Integer value) { this.Value = value; return this; } } }