/* Options: Date: 2024-09-29 01:50:17 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://testapi.bokamera.se //Package: //GlobalNamespace: dtos //AddPropertyAccessors: True //SettersReturnThis: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddImplicitVersion: IncludeTypes: DeleteServicePrice.* //ExcludeTypes: //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import net.servicestack.client.*; public class dtos { @Route(Path="/services/prices/{Id}", Verbs="DELETE") @ValidateRequest(Validator="IsAuthenticated") public static class DeleteServicePrice implements IReturn { /** * The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.") public UUID CompanyId = null; /** * The price id */ @ApiMember(Description="The price id") public Integer Id = null; public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public DeleteServicePrice setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Integer getId() { return Id; } public DeleteServicePrice setId(Integer value) { this.Id = value; return this; } private static Object responseType = ServicePriceResponse.class; public Object getResponseType() { return responseType; } } public static class ServicePriceResponse { /** * The company id */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id") public UUID CompanyId = null; /** * The price id */ @ApiMember(Description="The price id") public Integer Id = null; /** * The service id */ @ApiMember(Description="The service id") public Integer ServiceId = null; /** * The price */ @ApiMember(Description="The price") public Double Price = null; /** * The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day */ @ApiMember(Description="The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day") public Integer CalculationTypeId = null; /** * The price currency */ @ApiMember(Description="The price currency") public String CurrencyId = null; /** * The price sign */ @ApiMember(Description="The price sign") public String PriceSign = null; /** * The price VAT in percent */ @ApiMember(Description="The price VAT in percent") public BigDecimal VAT = null; /** * The price category if price has a category */ @ApiMember(Description="The price category if price has a category") public String Category = null; /** * The price text to display */ @ApiMember(Description="The price text to display") public String PriceText = null; /** * The valid from date for the price. */ @ApiMember(Description="The valid from date for the price.") public Date From = null; /** * The valid to date for the price. */ @ApiMember(Description="The valid to date for the price.") public Date To = null; /** * If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public ArrayList DaysOfWeek = null; /** * If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public TimeSpan FromTime = null; /** * If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters. */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters.") public TimeSpan ToTime = null; public ServiceInfoResponse Service = null; /** * If the price is only valid for a specific time span */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span") public Boolean IsTimeSpecific = null; /** * If the price is only valid for specific days of week */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days of week") public Boolean IsDaysOfWeekSpecific = null; /** * If the price is Weighted */ @ApiMember(Description="If the price is Weighted") public Boolean IsWeighted = null; public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public ServicePriceResponse setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Integer getId() { return Id; } public ServicePriceResponse setId(Integer value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public Integer getServiceId() { return ServiceId; } public ServicePriceResponse setServiceId(Integer value) { this.ServiceId = value; return this; } public Double getPrice() { return Price; } public ServicePriceResponse setPrice(Double value) { this.Price = value; return this; } public Integer getCalculationTypeId() { return CalculationTypeId; } public ServicePriceResponse setCalculationTypeId(Integer value) { this.CalculationTypeId = value; return this; } public String getCurrencyId() { return CurrencyId; } public ServicePriceResponse setCurrencyId(String value) { this.CurrencyId = value; return this; } public String getPriceSign() { return PriceSign; } public ServicePriceResponse setPriceSign(String value) { this.PriceSign = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getVat() { return VAT; } public ServicePriceResponse setVat(BigDecimal value) { this.VAT = value; return this; } public String getCategory() { return Category; } public ServicePriceResponse setCategory(String value) { this.Category = value; return this; } public String getPriceText() { return PriceText; } public ServicePriceResponse setPriceText(String value) { this.PriceText = value; return this; } public Date getFrom() { return From; } public ServicePriceResponse setFrom(Date value) { this.From = value; return this; } public Date getTo() { return To; } public ServicePriceResponse setTo(Date value) { this.To = value; return this; } public ArrayList getDaysOfWeek() { return DaysOfWeek; } public ServicePriceResponse setDaysOfWeek(ArrayList value) { this.DaysOfWeek = value; return this; } public TimeSpan getFromTime() { return FromTime; } public ServicePriceResponse setFromTime(TimeSpan value) { this.FromTime = value; return this; } public TimeSpan getToTime() { return ToTime; } public ServicePriceResponse setToTime(TimeSpan value) { this.ToTime = value; return this; } public ServiceInfoResponse getService() { return Service; } public ServicePriceResponse setService(ServiceInfoResponse value) { this.Service = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsTimeSpecific() { return IsTimeSpecific; } public ServicePriceResponse setIsTimeSpecific(Boolean value) { this.IsTimeSpecific = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsDaysOfWeekSpecific() { return IsDaysOfWeekSpecific; } public ServicePriceResponse setIsDaysOfWeekSpecific(Boolean value) { this.IsDaysOfWeekSpecific = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsWeighted() { return IsWeighted; } public ServicePriceResponse setIsWeighted(Boolean value) { this.IsWeighted = value; return this; } } public static class GroupBookingSettings { public Boolean Active = null; public Integer Min = null; public Integer Max = null; public Boolean isActive() { return Active; } public GroupBookingSettings setActive(Boolean value) { this.Active = value; return this; } public Integer getMin() { return Min; } public GroupBookingSettings setMin(Integer value) { this.Min = value; return this; } public Integer getMax() { return Max; } public GroupBookingSettings setMax(Integer value) { this.Max = value; return this; } } public static class MultipleResourceSettings { public Boolean Active = null; public Integer Min = null; public Integer Max = null; public Boolean isActive() { return Active; } public MultipleResourceSettings setActive(Boolean value) { this.Active = value; return this; } public Integer getMin() { return Min; } public MultipleResourceSettings setMin(Integer value) { this.Min = value; return this; } public Integer getMax() { return Max; } public MultipleResourceSettings setMax(Integer value) { this.Max = value; return this; } } public static class ServiceInfoResponse { public Integer Id = null; public String Name = null; public String Description = null; public Uri ImageUrl = null; public Integer LengthInMinutes = null; public Integer MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking = null; public Integer MinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking = null; public GroupBookingSettings GroupBooking = null; public MultipleResourceSettings MultipleResource = null; public Boolean IsGroupBooking = null; public Boolean IsPaymentEnabled = null; public Integer getId() { return Id; } public ServiceInfoResponse setId(Integer value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public String getName() { return Name; } public ServiceInfoResponse setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; } public String getDescription() { return Description; } public ServiceInfoResponse setDescription(String value) { this.Description = value; return this; } public Uri getImageUrl() { return ImageUrl; } public ServiceInfoResponse setImageUrl(Uri value) { this.ImageUrl = value; return this; } public Integer getLengthInMinutes() { return LengthInMinutes; } public ServiceInfoResponse setLengthInMinutes(Integer value) { this.LengthInMinutes = value; return this; } public Integer getMaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking() { return MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking; } public ServiceInfoResponse setMaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking(Integer value) { this.MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking = value; return this; } public Integer getMinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking() { return MinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking; } public ServiceInfoResponse setMinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking(Integer value) { this.MinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking = value; return this; } public GroupBookingSettings getGroupBooking() { return GroupBooking; } public ServiceInfoResponse setGroupBooking(GroupBookingSettings value) { this.GroupBooking = value; return this; } public MultipleResourceSettings getMultipleResource() { return MultipleResource; } public ServiceInfoResponse setMultipleResource(MultipleResourceSettings value) { this.MultipleResource = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsGroupBooking() { return IsGroupBooking; } public ServiceInfoResponse setIsGroupBooking(Boolean value) { this.IsGroupBooking = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsPaymentEnabled() { return IsPaymentEnabled; } public ServiceInfoResponse setIsPaymentEnabled(Boolean value) { this.IsPaymentEnabled = value; return this; } } public static class DayOfWeekDto { public Integer DayOfWeekId = null; public Integer DotNetDayOfWeekId = null; public String DayOfWeek = null; public Integer getDayOfWeekId() { return DayOfWeekId; } public DayOfWeekDto setDayOfWeekId(Integer value) { this.DayOfWeekId = value; return this; } public Integer getDotNetDayOfWeekId() { return DotNetDayOfWeekId; } public DayOfWeekDto setDotNetDayOfWeekId(Integer value) { this.DotNetDayOfWeekId = value; return this; } public String getDayOfWeek() { return DayOfWeek; } public DayOfWeekDto setDayOfWeek(String value) { this.DayOfWeek = value; return this; } } }