/* Options: Date: 2024-09-29 00:13:41 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://testapi.bokamera.se //Package: //GlobalNamespace: dtos //AddPropertyAccessors: True //SettersReturnThis: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddImplicitVersion: IncludeTypes: CreateInvoiceDraft.* //ExcludeTypes: //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import net.servicestack.client.*; public class dtos { @Route(Path="/eaccounting/invoicedraft", Verbs="POST") public static class CreateInvoiceDraft extends InvoiceAddress implements IReturn, ICompany { /** * The booking id, to be used to create the customer. */ @ApiMember(Description="The booking id, to be used to create the customer.", IsRequired=true) public Integer BookingId = null; /** * The Term of payment Id, to be used to create the invoice. */ @ApiMember(Description="The Term of payment Id, to be used to create the invoice.", IsRequired=true) public UUID TermsOfPaymentId = null; /** * Note id's to add to this invoice */ @ApiMember(Description="Note id's to add to this invoice") public ArrayList Notes = null; /** * Invoice Customer name */ @ApiMember(Description="Invoice Customer name") public String InvoiceCustomerName = null; /** * 1 = Apartment, 2 = Property Leave blank or set to null if you do not intend to use ROT or Green Technology functionality. */ @ApiMember(Description="1 = Apartment, 2 = Property Leave blank or set to null if you do not intend to use ROT or Green Technology functionality.", IsRequired=true) public RotPropertyTypes RotPropertyType = null; /** * 0 = Normal, 1 = Rot, 2 = Rut = ['0', '1', '2'] */ @ApiMember(Description="0 = Normal, 1 = Rot, 2 = Rut = ['0', '1', '2']", IsRequired=true) public RotReducedInvoicingTypes RotReducedInvoicingType = null; /** * The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with. */ @ApiMember(Description="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.") public UUID CompanyId = null; public Integer getBookingId() { return BookingId; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setBookingId(Integer value) { this.BookingId = value; return this; } public UUID getTermsOfPaymentId() { return TermsOfPaymentId; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setTermsOfPaymentId(UUID value) { this.TermsOfPaymentId = value; return this; } public ArrayList getNotes() { return Notes; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setNotes(ArrayList value) { this.Notes = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCustomerName() { return InvoiceCustomerName; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setInvoiceCustomerName(String value) { this.InvoiceCustomerName = value; return this; } public RotPropertyTypes getRotPropertyType() { return RotPropertyType; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setRotPropertyType(RotPropertyTypes value) { this.RotPropertyType = value; return this; } public RotReducedInvoicingTypes getRotReducedInvoicingType() { return RotReducedInvoicingType; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setRotReducedInvoicingType(RotReducedInvoicingTypes value) { this.RotReducedInvoicingType = value; return this; } public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public CreateInvoiceDraft setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } private static Object responseType = CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse.class; public Object getResponseType() { return responseType; } } public static class CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse { public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse Invoice = null; public String InvoiceUri = null; public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus = null; public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse getInvoice() { return Invoice; } public CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoice(InvoiceDraftQueryResponse value) { this.Invoice = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceUri() { return InvoiceUri; } public CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoiceUri(String value) { this.InvoiceUri = value; return this; } public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return ResponseStatus; } public CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.ResponseStatus = value; return this; } } public static interface ICompany { public UUID CompanyId = null; } public static class InvoiceAddress { public String CorporateIdentityNumber = null; public String InvoiceAddress1 = null; public String InvoiceAddress2 = null; public String InvoiceCity = null; public String InvoicePostalCode = null; public String InvoiceCountryCode = null; public String getCorporateIdentityNumber() { return CorporateIdentityNumber; } public InvoiceAddress setCorporateIdentityNumber(String value) { this.CorporateIdentityNumber = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress1() { return InvoiceAddress1; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress1(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress1 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress2() { return InvoiceAddress2; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress2(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress2 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCity() { return InvoiceCity; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCity(String value) { this.InvoiceCity = value; return this; } public String getInvoicePostalCode() { return InvoicePostalCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoicePostalCode(String value) { this.InvoicePostalCode = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCountryCode() { return InvoiceCountryCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCountryCode(String value) { this.InvoiceCountryCode = value; return this; } } public static enum RotPropertyTypes { Apartment(1), Property(2); private final int value; RotPropertyTypes(final int intValue) { value = intValue; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public static enum RotReducedInvoicingTypes { Normal, Rot, Rut; } public static class InvoiceDraftQueryResponse { public UUID InvoiceId = null; public Date CreatedDate = null; public BigDecimal TotalAmount = null; public BigDecimal TotalVatAmount = null; public String CustomerId = null; public ArrayList Rows = null; public String InvoiceDate = null; public String DueDate = null; public Date DeliveryDate = null; public ArrayList Persons = null; public String InvoiceCustomerName = null; public InvoiceAddress InvoiceAddress = null; public Boolean CustomerIsPrivatePerson = null; public String CustomerNumber = null; public ArrayList Notes = null; public ArrayList NoteIds = null; public Date CreatedUtc = null; public Boolean IncludesVat = null; public String PriceSign = null; public String BookingId = null; public UUID getInvoiceId() { return InvoiceId; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoiceId(UUID value) { this.InvoiceId = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedDate() { return CreatedDate; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setCreatedDate(Date value) { this.CreatedDate = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getTotalAmount() { return TotalAmount; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setTotalAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.TotalAmount = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getTotalVatAmount() { return TotalVatAmount; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setTotalVatAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.TotalVatAmount = value; return this; } public String getCustomerId() { return CustomerId; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setCustomerId(String value) { this.CustomerId = value; return this; } public ArrayList getRows() { return Rows; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setRows(ArrayList value) { this.Rows = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceDate() { return InvoiceDate; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoiceDate(String value) { this.InvoiceDate = value; return this; } public String getDueDate() { return DueDate; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setDueDate(String value) { this.DueDate = value; return this; } public Date getDeliveryDate() { return DeliveryDate; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setDeliveryDate(Date value) { this.DeliveryDate = value; return this; } public ArrayList getPersons() { return Persons; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setPersons(ArrayList value) { this.Persons = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCustomerName() { return InvoiceCustomerName; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoiceCustomerName(String value) { this.InvoiceCustomerName = value; return this; } public InvoiceAddress getInvoiceAddress() { return InvoiceAddress; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setInvoiceAddress(InvoiceAddress value) { this.InvoiceAddress = value; return this; } public Boolean isCustomerIsPrivatePerson() { return CustomerIsPrivatePerson; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setCustomerIsPrivatePerson(Boolean value) { this.CustomerIsPrivatePerson = value; return this; } public String getCustomerNumber() { return CustomerNumber; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setCustomerNumber(String value) { this.CustomerNumber = value; return this; } public ArrayList getNotes() { return Notes; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setNotes(ArrayList value) { this.Notes = value; return this; } public ArrayList getNoteIds() { return NoteIds; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setNoteIds(ArrayList value) { this.NoteIds = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedUtc() { return CreatedUtc; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setCreatedUtc(Date value) { this.CreatedUtc = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludesVat() { return IncludesVat; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setIncludesVat(Boolean value) { this.IncludesVat = value; return this; } public String getPriceSign() { return PriceSign; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setPriceSign(String value) { this.PriceSign = value; return this; } public String getBookingId() { return BookingId; } public InvoiceDraftQueryResponse setBookingId(String value) { this.BookingId = value; return this; } } }