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The following routes are available for this service:
DELETE/usersDeletes a userDeletes the logged in user account.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports ServiceStack
Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations
Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos
Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Enums

Namespace Global

    Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos

        Public Partial Class AdminProfile
            Public Overridable Property CompanyId As Guid
            Public Overridable Property Id As Guid
            Public Overridable Property Firstname As String
            Public Overridable Property Lastname As String
            Public Overridable Property Email As String
            Public Overridable Property WorkerId As String
            Public Overridable Property Phone As String
        End Class

        <ApiResponse(Description:="Returned if there is a validation error on the input parameters", StatusCode:=400)>
        <ApiResponse(Description:="Returned if the current user is not allowed to perform the action", StatusCode:=401)>
        Public Partial Class DeleteUser
            '''The user name of your profile.
            <ApiMember(Description:="The user name of your profile.", IsRequired:=true)>
            Public Overridable Property UserName As String

            '''The user realm for identity server.  BookMore = 1, BookMoreAdmin = 2 
            <ApiMember(Description:="The user realm for identity server.  BookMore = 1, BookMoreAdmin = 2 ", IsRequired:=true)>
            Public Overridable Property Realm As KeyCloakRealm

            '''If this equals true it will force delete all customer profiles on all company on there you have booked a time.
            <ApiMember(Description:="If this equals true it will force delete all customer profiles on all company on there you have booked a time.")>
            Public Overridable Property DeleteCustomerProfiles As Boolean

            '''If this equals true it will check the request token value and try to delete user, if it is false it will send a delete confirmation email.
            <ApiMember(Description:="If this equals true it will check the request token value and try to delete user, if it is false it will send a delete confirmation email.")>
            Public Overridable Property ForceDelete As Boolean

            '''The value is only checked when ForceDelete is set to true. Contains the token value what was sent to email.
            <ApiMember(Description:="The value is only checked when ForceDelete is set to true. Contains the token value what was sent to email.")>
            Public Overridable Property Token As String
        End Class

        Public Partial Class DeleteUserResponse
            Public Overridable Property ResponseStatus As Object
            '''The user id for your profile.
            <ApiMember(Description:="The user id for your profile.", IsRequired:=true)>
            Public Overridable Property UserName As String

            Public Overridable Property UserProfile As UserProfileResponse
            Public Overridable Property AdminProfile As AdminProfile
        End Class

        Public Partial Class UserProfileResponse
            Public Overridable Property Id As Guid
            Public Overridable Property Firstname As String
            Public Overridable Property Lastname As String
            Public Overridable Property Phone As String
            Public Overridable Property Email As String
        End Class
    End Namespace

    Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Enums

        Public Enum KeyCloakRealm
            BookMore = 1
            BookMoreAdmin = 2
            SuperAdmin = 3
        End Enum
    End Namespace
End Namespace

VB.NET DeleteUser DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .other suffix or ?format=other


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

DELETE /users HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsonl
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsonl
Content-Length: length
