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Requires Authentication
Requires any of the roles:bookingsupplier-administrator-write, bookingsupplier-administrator-read, superadmin
The following routes are available for this service:
GET/billing/companyGet billing details for the company.Get billing details for the company.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports ServiceStack
Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations
Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos
Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Db

Namespace Global

    Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Db

        Public Partial Class BaseModel
        End Class

        Public Partial Class BillingInformation
            Inherits BaseModel
            Public Overridable Property BillingMethod As BillingMethod
            Public Overridable Property BillingMethodId As Integer

            Public Overridable Property Name As String

            Public Overridable Property Attention As String
            Public Overridable Property Street1 As String
            Public Overridable Property Street2 As String
            Public Overridable Property ZipCode As String
            Public Overridable Property City As String
            Public Overridable Property Email As String
            Public Overridable Property CreditCard As String
            Public Overridable Property CreditCardHolder As String
            Public Overridable Property CreditCardNumber As String
            Public Overridable Property ValidToYear As Nullable(Of Short)
            Public Overridable Property ValidToMonth As Nullable(Of Short)
            Public Overridable Property CSV As String
            Public Overridable Property Updated As Date

            Public Overridable Property Created As Date

            Public Overridable Property CountryId As String

            Public Overridable Property PaymentTermsDays As Integer

            Public Overridable Property VATRegistrationNumber As String
            Public Overridable Property GLN As String
            Public Overridable Property ReferenceLine1 As String
            Public Overridable Property ReferenceLine2 As String
            Public Overridable Property ModifiedDate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset)
            Public Overridable Property Id As Guid
        End Class

        Public Partial Class BillingMethod
            Inherits BaseModel
            Public Sub New()
                BillingMethodCountriesRelation = New List(Of BillingMethodCountriesRelation)
            End Sub

            Public Overridable Property BillingMethodCountriesRelation As List(Of BillingMethodCountriesRelation)
            Public Overridable Property Name As String

            Public Overridable Property Description As String

            Public Overridable Property ModifiedDate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset)
            Public Overridable Property Id As Integer
        End Class

        Public Partial Class BillingMethodCountriesRelation
            Inherits BaseModel
            Public Overridable Property BillingMethodId As Integer

            Public Overridable Property CountryId As String

            Public Overridable Property ModifiedDate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset)
        End Class
    End Namespace

    Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos

        Public Partial Class AccessKeyTypeResponse
            Public Overridable Property Id As Integer
            Public Overridable Property KeyType As String
            Public Overridable Property Description As String
        End Class

        Public Partial Class BillingMethodQueryResponse
            Public Sub New()
                Countries = New List(Of String)
            End Sub

            '''The billing method id
            <ApiMember(Description:="The billing method id")>
            Public Overridable Property Id As Integer

            '''The billing method name
            <ApiMember(Description:="The billing method name")>
            Public Overridable Property Name As String

            '''The billing method description
            <ApiMember(Description:="The billing method description")>
            Public Overridable Property Description As String

            '''The billing method is valid for the following countries
            <ApiMember(Description:="The billing method is valid for the following countries")>
            Public Overridable Property Countries As List(Of String)
        End Class

        <ApiResponse(Description:="You were unauthorized to call this service", StatusCode:=401)>
        Public Partial Class CompanyBillingInformation
            Inherits QueryDb(Of BillingInformation, BillingMethodQueryResponse)
            '''The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.
            <ApiMember(Description:="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.")>
            Public Overridable Property CompanyId As Nullable(Of Guid)

            '''If you want to include the billing methods to select from
            <ApiMember(DataType:="boolean", Description:="If you want to include the billing methods to select from", ParameterType:="query")>
            Public Overridable Property IncludeBillingMethodOptions As Boolean
        End Class
    End Namespace

    Namespace ServiceStack

        Public Partial Class QueryBase
            Public Sub New()
                Meta = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
            End Sub

            '''Skip over a given number of elements in a sequence and then return the remainder. Use this when you need paging.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?skip=10&orderBy=Id</code>
            Public Overridable Property Skip As Nullable(Of Integer)

            '''Return a given number of elements in a sequence and then skip over the remainder. Use this when you need paging.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?take=20</code>
            Public Overridable Property Take As Nullable(Of Integer)

            '''Comma separated list of fields to order by. Prefix the field name with a minus if you wan't to invert the sort for that field.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?orderBy=Id,-Age,FirstName</code>
            Public Overridable Property OrderBy As String

            '''Comma separated list of fields to order by in descending order. Prefix the field name with a minus if you wan't to invert the sort for that field.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?orderByDesc=Id,-Age,FirstName</code>
            Public Overridable Property OrderByDesc As String

            '''Include any of the aggregates <code>AVG, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MIN, SUM</code> in your result set. The results will be returned in the meta field.<br/><br/><strong>Example:</strong><br/><code>?include=COUNT(*) as Total</code><br/><br/>or multiple fields with<br/><code>?include=Count(*) Total, Min(Age), AVG(Age) AverageAge</code><br/></br>or unique with<br/><code>?include=COUNT(DISTINCT LivingStatus) as UniqueStatus</code>
            Public Overridable Property Include As String

            Public Overridable Property Fields As String

            Public Overridable Property Meta As Dictionary(Of String, String)
        End Class

        Public Partial Class QueryDb(Of From, Into)
            Inherits QueryBase
        End Class

        Public Partial Class QueryResponse(Of AccessKeyTypeResponse)
            Public Sub New()
                Results = New List(Of AccessKeyTypeResponse)
                Meta = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
            End Sub

            Public Overridable Property Offset As Integer

            Public Overridable Property Total As Integer

            Public Overridable Property Results As List(Of AccessKeyTypeResponse)

            Public Overridable Property Meta As Dictionary(Of String, String)

            Public Overridable Property ResponseStatus As ResponseStatus
        End Class
    End Namespace
End Namespace

VB.NET CompanyBillingInformation DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .csv suffix or ?format=csv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /billing/company HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/csv
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length
