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The following routes are available for this service:
namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos

open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations

    type GreenTechnologyType =
        | None = 0
        | SolarCellInstallation = 1
        | ElectricEnergyStorageInstallation = 2
        | ElectricVehicleChargingPointInstallation = 3

    type ContributionMargin() = 
        member val Amount:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val Percentage:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set

    type InvoiceDraftLineQueryResponse() = 
        member val ArticleNumber:String = null with get,set
        member val ArticleId:String = null with get,set
        member val IsServiceArticle:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set
        member val AmountNoVat:Decimal = new Decimal() with get,set
        member val PercentVat:Decimal = new Decimal() with get,set
        member val LineNumber:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val IsTextRow:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val Text:String = null with get,set
        member val UnitPrice:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val UnitAbbreviation:String = null with get,set
        member val UnitAbbreviationEnglish:String = null with get,set
        member val DiscountPercentage:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val Quantity:Nullable<Double> = new Nullable<Double>() with get,set
        member val IsWorkCost:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsVatFree:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val CostCenterItemId1:String = null with get,set
        member val CostCenterItemId2:String = null with get,set
        member val CostCenterItemId3:String = null with get,set
        member val UnitId:String = null with get,set
        member val ProjectId:String = null with get,set
        member val WorkCostType:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val WorkHours:Nullable<Double> = new Nullable<Double>() with get,set
        member val MaterialCosts:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val GreenTechnologyType:Nullable<GreenTechnologyType> = new Nullable<GreenTechnologyType>() with get,set
        member val ContributionMargin:ContributionMargin = null with get,set

    type Person() = 
        member val Ssn:String = null with get,set
        member val Amount:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

    type InvoiceAddress() = 
        member val CorporateIdentityNumber:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceAddress1:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceAddress2:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceCity:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoicePostalCode:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceCountryCode:String = null with get,set

    type NoteQueryResponse() = 
        member val Id:String = null with get,set
        member val Text:String = null with get,set
        member val CreatedUtc:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set
        member val ModifiedUtc:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set

    type InvoiceDraftQueryResponse() = 
        member val InvoiceId:Guid = new Guid() with get,set
        member val CreatedDate:Nullable<DateTime> = new Nullable<DateTime>() with get,set
        member val TotalAmount:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val TotalVatAmount:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val CustomerId:String = null with get,set
        member val Rows:ResizeArray<InvoiceDraftLineQueryResponse> = new ResizeArray<InvoiceDraftLineQueryResponse>() with get,set
        member val InvoiceDate:String = null with get,set
        member val DueDate:String = null with get,set
        member val DeliveryDate:Nullable<DateTime> = new Nullable<DateTime>() with get,set
        member val Persons:ResizeArray<Person> = new ResizeArray<Person>() with get,set
        member val InvoiceCustomerName:String = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceAddress:InvoiceAddress = null with get,set
        member val CustomerIsPrivatePerson:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val CustomerNumber:String = null with get,set
        member val Notes:ResizeArray<NoteQueryResponse> = new ResizeArray<NoteQueryResponse>() with get,set
        member val NoteIds:ResizeArray<String> = new ResizeArray<String>() with get,set
        member val CreatedUtc:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set
        member val IncludesVat:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val PriceSign:String = null with get,set
        member val BookingId:String = null with get,set

    type CreateInvoiceDraftQueryResponse() = 
        member val Invoice:InvoiceDraftQueryResponse = null with get,set
        member val InvoiceUri:String = null with get,set
        member val ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus = null with get,set

    type RotPropertyTypes =
        | Apartment = 1
        | Property = 2

    type RotReducedInvoicingTypes =
        | Normal = 0
        | Rot = 1
        | Rut = 2

    type CreateInvoiceDraft() = 
        inherit InvoiceAddress()
        ///The booking id, to be used to create the customer.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The booking id, to be used to create the customer.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val BookingId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///The Term of payment Id, to be used to create the invoice.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The Term of payment Id, to be used to create the invoice.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val TermsOfPaymentId:Guid = new Guid() with get,set

        ///Note id's to add to this invoice
        [<ApiMember(Description="Note id's to add to this invoice")>]
        member val Notes:ResizeArray<String> = new ResizeArray<String>() with get,set

        ///Invoice Customer name
        [<ApiMember(Description="Invoice Customer name")>]
        member val InvoiceCustomerName:String = null with get,set

        ///1 = Apartment, 2 = Property Leave blank or set to null if you do not intend to use ROT or Green Technology functionality.
        [<ApiMember(Description="1 = Apartment, 2 = Property Leave blank or set to null if you do not intend to use ROT or Green Technology functionality.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val RotPropertyType:Nullable<RotPropertyTypes> = new Nullable<RotPropertyTypes>() with get,set

        ///0 = Normal, 1 = Rot, 2 = Rut = ['0', '1', '2']
        [<ApiMember(Description="0 = Normal, 1 = Rot, 2 = Rut = ['0', '1', '2']", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val RotReducedInvoicingType:Nullable<RotReducedInvoicingTypes> = new Nullable<RotReducedInvoicingTypes>() with get,set

        ///The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.")>]
        member val CompanyId:Nullable<Guid> = new Nullable<Guid>() with get,set

F# CreateInvoiceDraft DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .csv suffix or ?format=csv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /eaccounting/invoicedraft HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/csv
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length
